Every institution has its own motto to give it a special identity. The motto of St. Joseph's Convent, S. S.E.M.School, Pulluvazhy, inscribed within a shield is Virtue Alone Ennobles. The students are taught that what makes them noble is not only education, or the colour of the skin, or the race to which they belong. But its CHARACTER, which is formed by the practice of certain virtues, inculcating which, is a lifelong process. So students of St. Joseph's Convent, have to work at becoming noble all their lives. They cannot take a holiday from work. Whatever they are, wherever they go, and in whatever they do, they must remember this important work of becoming noble through the practice of virtues. It is their prerogative to be kind, gentle, respectful, helpful, cheerful, hard working and enthusiastic at all times. The lily is symbolic of our Patron, St. Joseph. Like the lily, a student of St. Joseph's Convent gives to other, the soft fragrance of goodness. The whiteness of the lily signifies purity of thought, word and action. They unfold and bloom like the lily at all times and in all places. The letters S and J stand for SAINT JOSEPH, whose qualities students should imitate and develop. Like St. Joseph they will be available for service in a quiet and humble way, put their faith in God their loving Father, be sensitive to the feelings of others, and care about their welfare.